Make sure you are up-to-date on the happenings at CSQG!
Look for our Opportunity Quilt to be unveiled soon!
The Desert Guilds Quilt Show will be held March 6th and 7th, 2026. All members are asked to enter a quilt or two in the show. Kathy Ferguson is the president of the DGQS committee. Information will be on-going at our meetings.
New friendship group forming! Contact Kate Baron for information.
Our Hug-a-Bear outreach group needs donations of stuffing and batting. If you can help out, please bring your donation to our next meeting.
The winner of our workshop scholarship for February is Karen Howes!
The Desert Quilt Guilds has announced the Challenge Project for the 2026 show. Kat Ferguson presented the “Paint Chip Challenge” at the January general meeting.
Our new Executive Board was sworn in at our January meeting. Jean Bixby, Lorri Conway, Chris Hudson, Marty Parsons and Dottie Hennacy will be serving on the Board for 2025.
Visit our Sew What table during our regular meetings. You will find great bargains on fabric and sewing related items.
Please consider working on some projects for our Outreach Program. Hug-A-Bear contact is Dorothy Etz, Unity Home contact is Karen Howes, Seniors’ contact is Chris Hudson. The Pregancy clinic is still in need of a volunteer. All contact information is available in our membership directory.
Friendship Groups: A small group of Guild members who meet outside of the regular Guild meetings is called a Friendship Group. You might want to get a few of your quilty friends together to meet for special projects or to just sew together. Think “quilting bee”! Some of our groups work tirelessly to supply donated items to our outreach programs.
Also, Friendship Groups play a big role in our Maker’s Market. Your group could have a table to sell handmade items to raise money for our Guild. The money raised helps pay for teachers, workshops, special events, and trips. Our next Maker’s Market will be November 2025.
We know you are all working on beautiful quilts and projects. Please consider bringing them for our Show and Share. You can write a brief description for our ladies to read, or you can talk about your creations yourself. This is a real highlight of our general meetings.