2025 Cactus Sewables Quilt Guild Executive Board

Jean Bixby - President

Lorri Conway - First Vice President

Chris Hudson - Second Vice President

Marty Parsons - Secretary

Dottie Hennacy - Treasurer

The Executive Board is here to plan, promote, and support all the activities of the Cactus Sewables Quilt Guild.


Executive Board and Standing Committees:

President: Jean Bixby

1st Vice President: Lorri Conway

2nd Vice President: Chris Hudson

Secretary: Marty Parsons

Treasurer: Dottie Hennacy

Parliamentarian: Open



Special Events: Sharon Ainsworth


Directory: Marti Parsons

Newsletter: Ann Powell

Ways and Means: Executive Board

Website: Kat Ferguson

Bulleting Board: Lynette Harlan

Community Outreach Coordinator: Laura Kresowski

Hug-a-bear: Kathleen Short

CFS: Open

Seniors: Chris Hudson

Pregnancy Center: Marti Parsons

Hospice: Elizabeth Muir

Unity Home: Karen Howes, Kat Ferguson


Hostess to Visitors: Charlene Claybough

Opportunity Table: Pauline Dubois, Karen Martin

Sew What Table: Barbara Wells Roberts, Linda Kult

Sunshine: Susan Amundson

Show and Share: Billie Ackerson, Maryjayne Bradley