2025 Cactus Sewables Quilt Guild Executive Board
The Executive Board is here to plan, promote, and support all the activities of the Cactus Sewables Quilt Guild.
Executive Board and Standing Committees:
President: Jean Bixby
1st Vice President: Lorri Conway
2nd Vice President: Chris Hudson and Elizabeth Muir
Secretary: Marty Parsons
Treasurer: Dottie Hennacy
Parliamentarian: Lorri Conway
Hospitality: Michelle Fraser and Sharon Ainsworth
Publicity: Shirley Labine
Special Events: Executive Board
Membership: Pamela Boggs
Directory: Marti Parsons
Newsletter: Marti Parsons
Ways and Means: Executive Board
Website: Kat Ferguson
Bulleting Board: Lynette Harlan
Community Outreach Coordinator: Laura Kresowski
Hug-a-bear: Marie Dunn
Seniors: Chris Hudson
Pregnancy Center: Marti Parsons
Hospice: Elizabeth Muir
Unity Home: Karen Howes
Historian: Elaine Bowden
Hostess to Visitors: Charlene Claybough
Opportunity Table: Elaine Bowden and Georgia Shirey
Sew What Table: Linda Kult
Sunshine: Susan Amundson
Show and Share: Billie Ackerson, Mary Jayne Bradley
SCCQG Representative: Jean Bixby